
“May the Memory of your beloved continue to inspire and bless you!”

A yahrzeit candle is to be lit at sundown on the evening before your yahrzeit date and remain burning until after sunset of the next day. You are also invited to attend our prayers that evening and the following morning and evening as you recite Kaddish in loving memory. It has been noted that Jewish tradition has assigned the day of death, instead of the day of birth, for remembrance because the life of the person can best be evaluated at the end of their journey on earth.

Observances and Practices of Yahrzeit

The Yahrzeit is observed in accordance with the Jewish calendar upon the date of death, which accounts for its occurrence on different dates of the secular calendar each year, just as Jewish Holidays fluctuate as well. As the human spirit is biblically referred to as the “lamp of the Lord” (Proverbs 20:27), it is customary to light a Yahrzeit lamp.

The Kaddish prayer, recited in remembrance of parents and other loved ones, affirms your attachment to our people and to the Jewish way of life.

You are invited to attend synagogue services on the actual date of the Yahrzeit, as well as the Sabbath which precedes the Yahrzeit. Upon request, our synagogue will arrange a minyan via Zoom which will enable  you to fulfill the mitzvah of reciting the Kaddish in memory of, and in tribute to, your beloved.

Please call the synagogue at least 1 week in advance to request a minyan. 

The practice of studying Torah and giving of charity in memory of the deceased on a Yahrzeit is a cherished tradition among our people. Should you desire to make a contribution to the synagogue in memory of a loved one, it would be sincerely appreciated. Please email us and include your name and the name of the person in whose memory you are making the gift or call the office at 631-475-1882.