Member's Corner
Minyan Requests will be posted here:
Sandy Stoll is requesting a yahrzeit minyan on Thursday, February 6th at 7:30pm
To join a minyan please
Rabbi Pardo is available to meet with you on Fridays and/or Sundays between the hours of 10am and 12pm. He will meet with you in his office at TBE, on Zoom, or by phone, whichever is your preference.
Should you like to speak with him, please click here to send an email to schedule an appointment.
Would you like to dedicate an Etz Hayim Chumash in memory of or in honor of a loved one? You may purchase a Chumash for $90 and your dedication will be placed on the inside cover.
These dedications help build community as we celebrate and commemorate people and occasions that have been so important to us. They will be a part of Temple Beth El of Patchogue for as long as we have these books.
If you would like to purchase a copy of the Etz Hayim for your own personal use, you may also do so for $90.00
Upcoming Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat Services
February 15
March 15
April 19
Come celebrate your special day with us!
At Temple Beth El the slogan, "Help is just a phone call away," comes to life every day and in every way.
This dedicated group helps congregants in many, many ways, including visiting Jewish residents at local nursing homes, calling members who are ill, sending cards to let people know we care and providing a connection to Judaism and the community.
The Chesed volunteers are always ready, willing and exceptionally able to help whenever and wherever they are needed.
If you need to request a clergy visit or know of a congregant who is ill or needs help, please call our office at 631-475-1882 or email us to let us know!
Want to make a donation in memory or in honor of someone or pay for an upcoming event using your credit card?