Temple Beth El provides our congregants with support,
encouragement, spiritual guidance and connection during all phases of our lives. We bond as a community and family, and welcome all to visit. You will be warmly received by our members.
Our services are fully egalitarian, meaning men and women participate equally. We are always working to find a healthy balance between traditional and more creative approaches to prayer and worship. Services include both Hebrew and English. At this time our services are both in the sanctuary and on Zoom, to allow those unable to attend in person to still attend services.
The Jewish holiday of Shabbat is a joyous occasion celebrated every Friday night to Saturday night. Shabbat commemorates the creation of the world, as the world was created in six days and the seventh day was the day of rest. Shabbat is a special time for people to come together each week to be with family and friends, to rest, to think, to share, to sing, and to have a good time. The observance of Shabbat begins with a traditional ritual that includes blessings while lighting candles, drinking wine, and eating challah.
Service Information:
Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night) begin at 7:30pm and at this time, are in person and on Zoom. Please be sure to check out our Events Calendar for a musical Shabbat service once a month.
Shabbat Morning: Services begin at 9:30am and at this time, are in person and on Zoom. We are happy to celebrate happy occasions at this time, whether it be a birthday, an anniversary, an upcoming trip or the birth of a child/grandchild with an Aliyah during our Torah service. Please be sure to share this information with our Rabbi.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins the ten-day period known as the High Holidays. Rosh Hashanah is also known as the “birthday of the world”, the “day of remembrance” and the “day of the shofar.” Rosh Hashanah celebrates the ability of people to change and grow, as it is a time for deep thought, self-examination, and prayer. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holiday in which the Jewish people ask for forgiveness and forgive others. Yom Kippur, the most solemn and holy day of the Jewish year, is the last day of the ten days of awe and marks the end of the ten-day period of the High Holidays.
The High Holy Days and holiday services are an integral and important part of worship at Temple Beth El. At this time, we unite and pray as a community and rejoice in our oneness. Tickets are a benefit of membership.
Yahrzeit (anniversary of a loved one's passing) minyan services are available upon request.
Yizkor (memorial service) is held four times per year. This service is to commemorate and remember our loved ones who have passed on.